Этот аппетитный бутерброд подают горяч им. Два поджаренных тоста, а между ними — сочная ветчина, пряный сыр, хрустящие листья салата и маринованные огурцы. Особенность этого сэндвича в соусе: здесь используют не только горчицу, но и особый соус для сэ
8.8 Br125 g
Американский яблочный пай
1 кусочек
9.3 Br225 g
Тарталетка с солёной карамелью и шоколадом
8.8 Br90 g
Шведский миндальный торт Ikea
Воздушное тесто на основе миндаля и белков, крем (яйца, сливки, ваниль, масло, сахар). Украшен лепестками миндаля (1 кусочек)
8.8 Br130 g
Шведский миндальный торт Ikea с шоколадом
1 кусочек
8.8 Br130 g
Большой капучино
Кофе двойной эспрессо, вспененное молоко
7.7 Br350 ml
Имбирный чай
Пряный, ароматный напиток хорошо согревает и придаёт сил. В его составе — тонкие ломтики имбиря, пряности и цитрусовые. Сладкие ноты апельсина и мёда делают вкус глубже и интереснее
Good afternoon!
A few years ago, I periodically visited a cafe. I liked the cozy and stylish atmosphere, delicious coffee.
Unfortunately, I'm not coming in here right now.
About visiting the cafe repeatedly over the past 3 years, I am disappointed every time: slow service, coffee is not coffee at all (but warm milk. Seriously! So much milk, apparently, that I don't even feel the taste of coffee).
There was once an unpleasant situation (the girl started complimenting my friend). I took it calmly at first, because it's an acquaintance. Later, looking at it from the other side, I considered the girl's behavior abnormal. Flirting with a client who is not alone!?
I choose other places. And your location is good... it disappears
Three stars for the past years.
A nice place with an interesting entourage. The Flat White was quite good, but the dessert was disappointing. The currant and pistachio cake was like plasticine, and the base was something unclear. They served us quickly, which is a plus. We managed to find only one place with a charging outlet. There are enough seats, but you feel like a herring in a barrel. There was literally not enough room to put my feet up. And there's no need to talk about putting the bag down at all. The location is definitely a plus. But I'm not going back to this place anymore.