Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
1600 ₸120 g
2200 ₸300 g
Суп Том ям
3600 ₸300 g
2000 ₸300 g
Клаб-сэндвич с курицей
3200 ₸460 g
Котлеты из индейки
3350 ₸350 g
Курица по-тайски
3700 ₸330 g
Популярный кофейный напиток, состоящий из эспрессо и горячего молока. Является идеальным выбором для любителей кофе, которые предпочитают более мягкий и молочный вкус
Breakfast of the champion is super! The bread is very good, crisp, warm, and soft
Draniki - not very
Hot chocolate is 3 out of 5.
I would go there again because the atmosphere is good and the choice is great.
The atmosphere of the place is super)
Family, company, alone - you can come here in any composition
I've visited this place 7 times and the main advantage of this place is: a menu with pictures, milkshakes, a children's combo, 4/5 food for every taste.
I would definitely go here again and again, but the vacation is ending)
We had breakfast at this place several times. The staff is good, but the service is quite long. The oatmeal is delicious, but the toast is not. I also liked the Scottish breakfast. Zucchini fritters and poached eggs with salmon on a brioche bun- edible, but not wow. Coffee and tea are delicious! In general, I recommend a large selection of dishes, but be prepared to wait for food for about 20-30 minutes.