Глубокое очищение
Массаж лица, задней поверхности шеи и декольте по вашей проблеме (6 техник)
Пилинг (поверхностный)
Маска anti-age с коллагеном и гиалуроновой кислотой
Сыворотка anti-age
Финальный крем
Массаж головы в
150 Br90 min
Массаж лица + карбокситерапия (неинвазивная)
В услугу входит:
Глубокое очищение
Массаж лица, задней поверхности шеи, декольте по вашей проблеме (6 техник)
Карбокситерапия (неинвазивная), 2 этапа
Финальный крем
Массаж головы в подарок
Чай после сеанса
150 Br90 min
Массаж лица + базовый уход
В услугу входит:
Глубокое очищение
Массаж лица, задней поверхности шеи, декольте по вашей проблеме (6 техник)
Финальный крем
Массаж головы в подарок
Чай после сеанса
Polina, thank you so much for the back and neck massage and for the pleasant atmosphere in your studio. I have been looking for a massage studio for a long time and I am very glad that I chose your studio out of a huge number. Everything that bothered me in my back and neck was removed by your magic pens in a course of 10 sessions, plus a bonus of minus one kg. I'm looking forward to seeing you on the Slender Silhouette program.💐
An excellent massage room, there was a soothing atmosphere during the procedure, the master was attentive and sensitive. I was on a general massage and was completely satisfied, the tension went away from the neck area (because of working at the computer, I constantly feel discomfort in the neck). In general, a large range of treatments is available, including facial massage, which is important for those who are concerned about wrinkles🙂
That's the end of my WONDERFUL subscription for back and face massage.
Polina, thank you so much for your PROFESSIONAL and sincere work. I enjoyed every minute of the massage, the sensations are simply MAGNIFICENT, SUPER beyond words, I relaxed by all 1000%.
Thanks to your GOLDEN PENS and the atmosphere you create in the massage room.
I will definitely come back to you to plunge into this atmosphere of complete relaxation again. 🤗🤗🤗💖💖💖