For any occasion, this store will assemble a bouquet or a composition! Florists have great taste and are always responsive to requests for budget and content! A sincere recommendation!
The store is good, there is always a large selection of colors here, they are regularly replenished. Bouquets are beautiful and not banal can be collected for any event. My daughter ordered a bouquet here for graduation, she really liked it.
I came here to get a bouquet for my mother-in-law. There was a lot of choice, even her favorite chrysanthemums were, so I bought them. Nice price tag, polite florists. Everything is beautifully decorated, it's nice to give such a gift.
I bought a beautiful basket of flowers for my mother. I wanted to congratulate her on her anniversary in a way that would be remembered, and therefore I did not save money. The flowers are very beautiful, the composition looks gorgeous. Thanks to the store, it turned out to be a surprise.
Inexpensive flowers compared to other stores. they will always collect and arrange a bouquet according to your wishes. how much did I take, the flowers are always fresh, they stand in a vase for at least a week
I recently bought eustoms here. These are my mom's favorite flowers, and it's the season for them right now, so I knew what I was looking for. There were several prefabricated bouquets and just flowers of different shades. I chose what I liked and went away happy to give. I recommend the store.
Roses for every taste, on long and short stems, any colors and varieties. They work around the clock, so at any time of the day or night I can stop by this store for a decent bouquet of roses for my beloved. I appreciate it.