The Dalida Salon is a great place for relaxation and relaxation! The service is wonderful, thanks to the administrator Sholpan! All the masters are attentive, caring, experts in their field! I would like to mention Anel's massage separately, well, just a magician, an individual approach to each client! If you want to improve your health and get maximum pleasure, this is for Anelle! Spa treatments are beyond words I also did eyebrow correction and coloring, everything is super, the eyebrows have become beautiful, well-groomed, just a sight! Thanks!
When Rosa Turisbekovna came to Almaty for a vacation, I went to dye white hair for a strong master named Apple in the Dalida salon, making a haircut as a gift.I really liked the hairstyle made by master yablok, the guests and residents of Almaty will not regret if you go to a master named Yabloko, he is a master of his craft and a strong master, thank you very much on his behalf, next time when buyyrsa goes to Almaty, I will go to Master Yablok again and sign up👍👍 👍