I haven't been to this place for a long time, but I recently visited and was very surprised by the innovations. Well done, they keep up with the times. However, it takes a long time to wait in line. We need to do something about it.
I often go there, I can say that the staff is kind and good, the quality of customer service is just great, the pricing policy is statistically acceptable on average
The tests are not the cheapest, but they are done quickly, convenient SMS notification, the therapist Yusupova N.A. is very doubtful about diagnosis and treatment, prescribes an antibiotic, hormonal and ascorbic drugs for acute respiratory infections, everything is in injections and does not give any diagnosis
Kop kelaman buyoga. Ochered kop. Shifokorladan analizladan davolniman. Bitta no si bor. EEG qladigan etajda pratsedurni xona bor. Etaj yorug bolla yeglidi. EEG ga tinch va qorongi joy bolishi kere
All doctors are there, but not all make the correct diagnosis. I was at the endocrinologist, I prescribed the wrong treatment. It didn't help at all. There, a year later, I went to another endocrinologist, prescribed the right treatment and the result immediately became noticeable after 10-15 days…
Of course, we are all human and we make mistakes, doctors are human too. But it turns out that for your own good it is better to visit several doctors.
And the girls in the lab.. one nurse takes blood very painfully. There are always bruises after it, despite the fact that after donating blood, I immediately bend my arm…
Overall, a good clinic👍
Doctors don't know how to diagnose!
Everything is expensive!
Then you pay at the cashier and a day later he will say the debt is gone! He can't even do injections! It's just a shame!
It's not enough to eat a lot!
There are all specialists! Convenient work schedule. The analyses are done quickly, in my opinion, efficiently. The prices are quite reasonable. I don't like the way the waiting areas for doctors are equipped. Everyone is crowding, stuffy, cramped. This is a serious disadvantage, especially for a clinic with such a large flow of patients
A good medical center, with all the specialists and its own laboratory. Many specialists of high categories. All by the numbers, the results are on the telegram. In general, it is convenient and not very expensive. There is a cashback system.
Toshkentdagi yaxshi kliniklardan biri.
Uzi va analizlar uchun doimo shu klinikaga boramiz.
24/7 xizmatdagili ayki muddao.
Servis ham yaxshi yo’lga qo’yilgan.
I am very disappointed that we were recorded last day, we have now arrived for an eeg and we are not in the recording at all, since we were recorded irresponsible last day, in general, it's just terrible I have no words
The staff is wonderful, everyone is polite, everything is organized very clearly, the prices are a little expensive but it's worth it, the service is very good, we have come across good specialists so far
The 24-hour clinic is open 24/7, very convenient for those who do not have time to visit doctors during the day... They make good discounts on MRI after 00:00
The place has already been repaired and made more beautiful and modern, but the price is not exactly acceptable for the consultations of two doctors, we paid 210 thousand sums and then for a girl about 13 years old and also, but in principle I will not say that the quality of doctors is bad they know their business there but now, as everyone understands, it is difficult to find a good place for treatment because many we have done business with human health .If there are no friends who can tell you, it's hard to say something, but it was great for the child, she was cured in 3 days, she had an allergy and terrible everything went and it felt good for her and there wasn't much queue yet, exactly what is convenient that this clinic works 24/7
The service and staff are amazing. They work 24/7. If you go in the evening, your work will be done faster. I recommend making an appointment before the trip.
O'tgan yili Avgust oyida Qo'chqorov degan terapevtga o't puffagi bo'yicha ko'rindim, barcha analez va ko'riklarni topshirdim, hammasi 1 mlnga bordi, yozgan dorilarini aytilgan miqdirda va tartibda qabul qildim, lekin foydasini sezmadim, darmonda doctorlar maksimal darajada sizni analizlarga va ko'riklarga yozishga harakat qilishadi, tibbiyot biznesga aylanmasligi kerak.
I called the clinic to find out the information and in response they just hung up. The reason was the language barrier. I understand that no one is required to know Russian, but the girl did not have the critical thinking to find someone who knows him and could help me. The desire to visit this clinic has disappeared.
We came to the therapist and to the MSCT. There was almost no queue. They asked to speed up the conclusion, got into the situation and helped. The therapist is Mikhail Kononovich, a great specialist.
I came to the rengen, there were a lot of people in such a small room on the first floor. I turned to the administrator of the hall, asked how to get to the office I needed, she began to answer everything in Uzbek (I do not know this language). Of course, I understand everything, but the rest of the staff speaks both Russian and English perfectly, why couldn't we take on such an important role a person who knows at least 2 languages?
See original · Русский
Эльвира Атласова
Level 13 Local Expert
February 27, 2024
The place is good, there are a lot of people, it's true, but the staff work great even with a large influx of people, well done, quickly, and by the way, I didn't have to go back for an answer, I sent an SMS link to the phone, which opens in tg....super, I'm very happy, I advise you!!!
The operators are not operational since 3-4 hours of callback gave me a normal answer, when every time I called they asked me to wait after waiting we will call back, in the end they solved my question but for a very long time
The staff is excellent, the queue is average, the service is good, MRI ultrasound is 24/7, I advise everyone, all good, all professional, come all☺️☺️☺️
Doctors and professionals, especially neurologists, will consider each analysis carefully
Of the number one private clinics in Tashkent, the analysis is done very honestly and healthily
A very good clinic. MRI, X-ray, ultrasound 27/7 😍. Accurate analyses. By the way, dentistry is also good. I work at this clinic myself, I like everything.
Darmon Servis klinikasi bizaga judayam yoqdi narxlari sal qimmatroku lekin xizmat ko'rsatish a'lo darajada, hodimlari xushmoumulalik bilan tushuntirishadi, telegrambkanallariyam bor, labaratoriya jovoblarini online tarzda oliahgayam qulayliklari judayam yoqdi bizaga.
We visited a pediatric neurologist, did not even greet the child, did not ask for his name, immediately sent him to the EEG ..., this is important for the child. the doctors are good, they did an eeg at night, but in order to get a conclusion yourself, you need to look for this piece of paper at the clinic.
The girls at the reception are polite. They did an MRI scan, the answer comes out in an hour. A general blood test was done according to the promotion (for free) 👍 It is better to go after 14-00, there is a 10% discount on MRI. There are several aquariums in the waiting room, and even a chameleon.