A beautiful, secluded place and area. Green steppes and hills interspersed with red, orange rocks. The monastery itself is also impressive, partly built in rocks, partly in caves and in the center of a more traditional architecture. Definitely worth a visit. The main thing is comfortable shoes and clothes. On the way or on the way back, buy the freshest suluguni from a local grandmother. Ask the locals and they will tell you where, we found it the first time by asking an employee of the local MFC in the center of the village in a building with a slightly cosmic view for the village. There is a cafe at the exit from the village towards the monastery.
It's a long day and the stunning watercolor silence of autumn in the mountains. A picturesque place! The spaces (and constantly changing camera angles) of the main courtyard are mesmerizing!!!
An unusual, beautiful place, worth a visit. A particularly pleasant surprise was that the outside is a very unremarkable place, unlike when you go inside! It's not very close to go, though. But it's beautiful!