The place is very beautiful, the park is kept clean. Minus, there are a lot of people walking with dogs, without leashes.I think not everyone likes it, especially since there are a lot of children walking.
The sculpture is suggestive of some kind of nightmare, completely out of place! Overall clean, tidy, but ...the look of this piece, especially in the evening, is not at all rosy!
Probably inspired by the idols from Easter Island... To be honest, the composition is controversial in terms of aesthetics, as is the place of its installation actually under the bridge... And not from the park on the southern slope, but from the north, where there is a constant, almost constant shadow. And the place is dirty and unkempt. On the opposite side, something incomprehensible was depicted at all.
It has been standing on this place near the Pavlovna Park for many years. You should visit this place at least once. The beautiful nature nearby will brighten up your time.
The experience is unforgettable. It's impressive. The most mysterious sculpture I've ever had to deal with. With their gloomy, mysterious appearance, the grandfather and grandson attract the eye, immerse them in a state of thoughtfulness and melancholy. I would like clarity, of course, but the lack of information about this monument only adds to its advantages.
Grandfather and grandson are the best I've ever met. Time stops next to them, you want to sit next to them forever and think serenely about the beautiful. Of course, I would like to know the name of the author and the year of creation, but perhaps it's even better - the mystery of the grandfather and grandson does not occupy!