Good afternoon! Dear Delta administration, take care of the direction of jumping, it's just a nightmare. I went a year ago to jump to Sveta (she is not working now)it was great !!!! A person was doing what he loved, she was energizing! The recording was always complete, I remember even there were not enough trampolines... But what was my surprise when now I came to the jumping and there were three trampolines... I waited for the class to start, coach Fedoruk Marina came up to me and said that if I was alone, there would be no class. and it will be in the gym..... (which I don't want for personal reasons) . In the end, there were two of us and the coach started the lesson with a dissatisfied look and an inflated self-esteem. She never looked at how I was doing the exercises ((. The lesson was super uninteresting (TWO CLOPS, THREE CLOPS and with a dissatisfied look), so also the trampoline must be carried across the hall, near the mirrors (where is the safety equipment?). Now it's clear why there are so few people... I definitely won't go back to a trainer who spoils my mood and I don't recommend it to you, although I really love this gym. Delta, do something!)
Крутой спортивно-оздоровительный комплекс 👍
Тренажерный зал достаточно большой, тренажеры современные и в хорошем состоянии. Шкафы в раздевалке закрываются, есть душ с горячей водой 😉
Ну и конечно же дельта спа, тут вопросов нет) бассейн, сауна турецкая, русская баня, джакузи маленький и большой, контрастный душ, соляная/солевая комната и конечно же бар))