Новая услуга в Центре стоматологической имплантации: терапия при повышенной чувствительности зубов
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February 14, 08:11
📢 Прием стоматолога-хирурга в Минске даже в воскресенье!
Центр стоматологической имплантации рад сообщить, что наши двери открыты ежедневн...
December 13, 2024, 11:16
All news (18)
Products and services
Updated: February 25
Установка брекетов самолигирующих (две челюсти)
Установка брекетов самолигирующих (две челюсти)
5000 Br
Установка зубного импланта Straumann (Швейцария)
Установка импланта STRAUMANN SLActive (Швейцария) - от 2372
2372 Br
Установка импланта MEGAGEN (Ю.Корея) AnyRidge
Установка импланта MEGAGEN (Ю.Корея) AnyRidge - от 1400 рублей
1400 Br
Профессиональная гигиена полости рта
Для проведения процедуры в нашей клинике применяется многофункциональный ультразвуковой скалер Varios 970. С его помощью не только удаление камня в полости рта будет качественным и безболезненным, но и тщательно снимется налет с эмали.
183 Br
Отбеливание зубов BEYOND POLUS (2 челюсти)
Аппарат холодного отбеливания Beyond Polus — это отличная возможность отбелить зубы на долгий срок. Первые 24 час после отбеливания нужно соблюдать особую диету.
870 Br
Установка зубного импланта MEGAGEN (Корея) AnyOne
Установка импланта MEGAGEN (Ю.Корея) AnyOne - от 1252 рублей
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Dental Implantation Center clinic for its professionalism and attentive attitude!
Special thanks to doctor Maxim Sergeevich Yankovsky for his sensitivity, patience and high level of professionalism. All stages of treatment were explained in detail, which helped to feel calm and confident.
Separately, I would like to note that I have a difficult case - bone atrophy prevented the normal implantation of implants. I was offered a procedure for implanting my own stem cells, which led to the restoration and enlargement of bone tissue, which is clearly visible in the pictures when comparing before and after. This is an amazing result! Because of this, the treatment period was of course a little delayed, but it was worth it. I doubt that at least one other clinic in Belarus can do this!
I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quality dental clinic!
The best medical center in Minsk! I liked everything! - And the environment, and the medical staff! I received a consultation from the surgeon Yaroslav Mikhailovich, everything is clear, clear and detailed! I also got a consultation from Alexander Yurievich Rusetsky's orthopedist! Low bow, Many thanks to Alexander Yurievich for his professionalism, attention, sensitivity, understanding, patience and kindness! This is a real doctor from God! Now for sure
I know that Friday the 13th is the luckiest day!) I sincerely wish you success, good luck and all the best!
I would like to express my gratitude to all the staff of the Dental Implantation Center. In particular, I bow low to the Department of Surgery for their hard work. This is the dentist- surgeon Yaroslav Mikhailovich YELOVOY and his sweet assistant Irina Ivashkevich. 10 implants seemed to be in my mouth by themselves. The 3.5 hour operation flew by in an instant.
I would like to note the professional approach of a young specialist, an orthopedic dentist, Maxim Sergeevich YANKOVSKY. 9 days after the operation, I had temporary teeth, you wouldn't believe it, like my own, I couldn't believe that such a thing was possible. On 12/21/24, an operation was performed, and on 12/30/24, I had teeth.
And all this time, the lovely Administrator, Queen Anna, was in touch with me. Thank you, Annushka, for your concern.
I recommend this Center to everyone, it is the best I have ever met, it is equipped with modern equipment, warmth and attention of the staff.