A wonderful modern clinic in your hometown. The specialists and equipment are at the highest level. When we visit Kramatorsk with our wife, we definitely visit PremiumDent, even if nothing bothers us.
The last time Oleg Tarasov solved my long-standing problem with food getting stuck between an old filling and a neighboring tooth (this causes a lot of inconvenience, only flos saved, and then not always), and in St. Petersburg, different doctors in two clinics did not want to solve this problem for me, they said that the tooth with a filling was weak, if anything- what to do with it, it may crumble completely. Oleg carefully examined the tooth, took an X-ray and, without any complications, replaced my filling with a new, smooth one. Quickly, neatly, "without noise and dust," as they say. Now the food doesn't get stuck, I'm very happy.
In addition, it is always nice to be in the doctor's chair, who supports positive emotions in the patient in every possible way — jokes, tells what exactly he is doing and how everything will be cool in general :) This is an important point, which for some reason is neglected by many specialists.
In general, definitely 5 stars for the PremiumDent clinic. I will be in Kramatorsk in April and will definitely come for an inspection.