Малыши любят сладкое и часто забывают о чистке зубов. По этой причине на эмали начинаются кариозные процессы. Чаще всего кариес формируется между зубами, в пришеечной области и на бороздках жевательной поверхности.
1 Br
Профессиональная гигиена полости рта
Профессиональная гигиена полости рта для детей - это процедура, которую проводит стоматолог или гигиенист.
1 Br
Брекеты для детей и подростков
Согласно статистике, более чем у 80 % населения планеты неправильно сформирован прикус. Половина из этих дефектов снижает качество жизни и требует ортодонтического вмешательства. Установка брекет-системы стала самой популярной процедурой
1 Br
Лечение зубов детям
Все специалисты, которые работают с детьми, разбираются в детской психологии и знают методы устранения тревожности. Уточняйте подробности на сайте или по номеру телефона!
1 Br
Удаление зубов детям
Уточняйте подробности на сайте или по номеру телефона!
1 Br
Установка пломбы
Установка зубной пломбы - это процедура, при которой стоматолог удаляет пораженную кариесом или поврежденную ткань зуба и заполняет получившуюся полость специальным материалом, чтобы восстановить форму и функцию зуба.
As a guest in Belarus from the US, I was fortunate to have Dr. Anastasia at the Dentistry Clinic in Minsk for my dental cleaning and filling. She made me feel completely at ease, explaining every step of the procedure in perfect English. Despite my unusual request to fill a cavity without anesthesia, she handled it with such skill and care that I was incredibly comfortable—so much so that I almost fell asleep! Her precision and expertise are truly impressive. I highly recommend Dr. Anastasia for anyone seeking excellent dental care.
I liked the atmosphere. First, they came to consult with the child, told everything very well, recommended hygiene products. We treated the teeth of one child, and came with the second.
Administrators always warn you on the eve of a visit.
There is a small waiting area for kids, everything is thematically selected)
The only drawback is a very long waiting time for a certain doctor.
Upd: the clinic management was very attentive to my unpleasant situation and offered all possible solutions to the problem, which pleasantly surprised and influenced my further assessment.
I signed up for a consultation with a specialist more than a month ago, I was waiting for this appointment. I arrived at the clinic exactly at the appointed time, the administrator told me to wait. And that would have been fine, but this wait, without any warning or apology, dragged on for 35 minutes. When I asked how much longer I had to wait, the receptionist threw me something like, "Well, now, wait," and nothing happened next. After sitting for another 5 minutes, I just left this "wonderful" institution without hearing any apologies, or even a single word, as if I was not in this clinic. I understand that there may be hitches with time and records everywhere, but in decent places the administrator informs about this in a polite manner with a specific indication of the time that will have to wait. Here, everyone just doesn't care about you. Unfortunately (or fortunately) it was not possible to evaluate dental services and specialists, because the reception staff does not do their job well.