Great camp.👍👍👍 The counselors are super. Interesting and fascinating events. My children are 14 and 10 years old, full of impressions and emotions. The parents' day left unforgettable emotions, joy and pride!!!! Thank you very much!
You can get to the camp by any minibus from Minsk towards Slutsk. There are stops nearby in both directions. The camp is popular among teenagers. My child has been recovering there for many years. I liked it so much that now he goes to work either as an assistant teacher or cleaning
Among the advantages: well-fed, good buildings, good events, interesting and funny counselors may come across. Of the cons: the senior squads have a disgusting contingent. I went on shift in 2020, I was almost raped. The children brought alcohol with them and drank at night, there were many scary situations because of this. If I were you, I would think twice before sending children there :)
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Level 9 Local Expert
June 15
Great camp! Today I took my daughter from the tent party on the territory. Very good impressions. Excellent food and leisure facilities. The territory is clean and beautiful. A swimming pool and sports grounds are available for children. Despite the rainy weather, the children managed to have a great rest. Once again, special thanks for the food. The fastidious daughter was delighted with the soups :)
A great place for a search engine forum and similar events, quests. In places it resembles a stalker game)
A wonderful assembly hall and dining room.
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Татьяна Рабцева
Level 3 Local Expert
August 12
The child went to the camp for the first time (8 years old). The food is good, the entertainment is at the highest level, the pool every other day, the disco is regular). The counselors and the Tutor are also very good, the child was comfortable.the camp has an Instagram where you can see what the children are doing every day and what events are taking place. If it works out, we will be happy to go next year.
It's just great. The food is excellent, and the atmosphere and daily routine do not let the children get bored
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Hanna S.
Level 3 Local Expert
June 18
I was on the first shift in 2024, in the tent squad. The territory is large, the buildings are modern. The food in the dining room is also normal. Discos are held every evening, but if it rains, they include a movie in the club (assembly hall). A very cool camp. Come on over 😉
Были двое детей 11 лет и 6 лет на 4 смене 2022. Дети довольны, с их слов кормили вкусно, мероприятия каждый день, дискотека каждый вечер, через день бассейн. Младшей было сложнее, внимания мало.)))
Из минусов: связи с вожатыми нет! Вообще если ребёнок не позвонил ни у кого не узнать никакой информации. Родительского дня нет, посмотреть реальные условия проживания детей возможности нет, все общение при посещении через забор и передачи через забор, на территорию вход запрещен.
Отлично всё, только ребенка забрали!
От начала и до конца.
До Минска рукой подать!
До асфальта с километр нормальной гравийной.
Очень понравилось, рекомендую!
Дочь была первый раз (7лет) Осталась довольна. По приезду ребёнок приятно удивила своей самостоятельностью. За смену были и приезжие развлечения и организовано множество мероприятий силами педагогов.
На территории есть буфет и ребёнок может в жару полакомиться мороженным)
В следующем году ждите)
Алексей Хотиловский
Level 5 Local Expert
July 4
It's not the first year we've been there. Not far from Minsk. Now repairs have been carried out there in some places. The children like it, they want to go there again!
Хорошее местоположение, чистый воздух, лес, вкусно кормят, но нет связи!
И еще один неприятный момент, вожатые забрали личную вещь у ребёнка и не вернули
Очень понравился лагерь. Есть прекрасная база для занятий спортом и отдыха. Великолепный бассейн, настольный теннис, дартс, волейбол, футбол, шахматы. Ухоженная территория, прекрасный персонал, еда. Всё для хорошего отдыха.