I was looking for a chaise longue, I asked the seller to show me what and how, but they replied with all the information on their self-service website. Then I don't know why there are so many sellers walking around the hall.
I like the XTA chain of stores, I like the quality of the clothes and shoes of the brands represented there, for example futurino!There are often seasonal discounts and shoes can be purchased profitably, But!!On the subject of shoes, it's always a mess, it's lying around, there are no boxes, it's hard to find something!The store offers to participate in charity, which is not at all clear, to be honest, they pretend that they participate in it, but in fact they sell their goods to people and possibly take them to recipients in need, I would understand this if the store offered the goods for charity for a price 50% lower, where he would pay 50 himself, and so it makes you feel like a poop when they offer to help at the checkout, but you refused!!For this, a minus star, but I still like the store
I like clothes for kids because I have twins and I can easily choose the size for two of the same size. The only disadvantage is the cash register. Basically only one works, despite the fact that people gather at least three, I often order online to come and pay immediately, but the crowd at the checkout sometimes takes a lot of time