The terrible attitude of the head of the garden, A.A. Karpuk, to everything that happens there! The mess meets us already at the gate, which the manager enters every day: the gate does not fulfill its function of closing and opening in order to protect our children from leaving the garden. Constant staff turnover, 3 teaching assistants have changed in a year!
We are waiting with fear for the end of our tutors' contracts, they do not want to continue working in the garden. Why? Find out the reason! All last year, we patiently waited for a teacher who would do
his job, we kept silent about the complete lack of educational work with children, at least they took us outside at least a couple of times a week, not to mention physical education, music and some kind of creativity! The caregivers, instead of doing their direct duties,
are busy with other work, distributing food, mopping the floors (not surprisingly,
the caregivers are fleeing from the garden) and dishes during their shift, making decorations for garden events. And all this happens during school hours! What are the children doing at this time?! Are we waiting for trouble? The New Year's matinee was held
at the "get off" level, no songs, no dancing, no poetry - the children can't do anything. Even the parents had to organize Santa Claus themselves! And by the way, our Santa Claus was forbidden to take pictures with children! We are talking only about the New Year's Eve matinee, because we have never had any other events with the presence of parents! There is not enough time, organization,
or caregivers! Pay attention to our garden, please help us! I can't stand all this!
The garden is new and that's it .... The head does not understand from the word at all how the garden should work! The sanitation station is crying for you ! Who cleans your premises? Are you? My next complaint will go straight to the administration