A great cafe, a good children's menu, there are soups and nuggets, French fries and much more that kids love. We had lunch with 2 adults and 1 child for 70 rubles. We took 3 cups, 3 second ones, 3 sauces, 2 cups and 1 cocoa.
Who is the main contingent of zoo guests? That's right - children. But for children there is only a menu with adult prices. You will have to take them on your knees, because the main chairs are low, but there are no children's chairs.
You go to a wonderful place in a good mood, and then everything is ruined by a terrible cafe with a wonderful name. I waited for coffee for 10 minutes.... Hot dog with a stale bun....There was no cheese in the ham-cheese pancake.the tables are dirty
Rude employee at the checkout . Simple but eerily disgustingly cooked dishes . They just threw money away.
A very concentrated cold brew, a pancake with stuffing is a separate disappointment...
The so-called "nuggets" are just boiled chicken in breadcrumbs.
Draniki, more or less edible, were stretched on one star.
Considering the prices, they still have to pay extra for someone to eat it
They spoiled the whole mood, the staff was rude , tactless, did not care about customers, they were very reluctant to answer questions about the composition of the food, and it was simply impossible to wait for a repetition of what was said.Food is a matter of taste, but we didn't like it. There is absolutely no desire to come again
The food is tasteless, the service is rustic, the dishes are disposable (they give essentially a teaspoon for soup, there are no others).
It would be better to take food with you.
Money is wasted.The food is not delicious, the menu seems to be simple, but everything is cooked just like that. The pancakes are tasteless, the machanka is disgusting, the broth is water with a chemical seasoning with the addition of chicken.I do not recommend visiting with children under 3 years old.