Kindergarten for 5+, especially our teachers Irina Petrovna and Natalia Fedorovna. Thank you for the soul he puts into our children... Recently there was a matinee dedicated to the Republic Day... Everything went well. Well done kids. In general, the kindergarten is super... I did not regret that I gave my son to this garden...
A very good kindergarten. Two of our children graduated from it, and the third one will grow up soon. Special thanks to our beloved teacher Aigul Akimzhanovna!!!!! I hope we get into her group again.
A very good kindergarten, our favorite teachers in the group "Why", this is Lilia Ivanovna, Aliya Kurmangalievna, in the group "Gulder", this is Irina Petrovna, Natalia Fedorovna, Galina nanny. Thank you very much for their hard work.
A very good kindergarten. We have been walking for 2 years. Our apaika Kulzipa Lespekovna and Kumis Kyrykbaevna are simply golden! It's just not better. Rahmet to you. My son Zhakhongirchik just loves apaches, goes to the garden with pleasure. Teachers really teach well, they work with children. They teach and develop.
Not a bad garden, a good headmistress. We have good teachers. We go to the group for some reason. It is noticeable from the child that they are engaged. There are additional classes. Excellent cuisine.