"Doctor" Irina Cvartin is either very irresponsible, or just likes to breed patients for money. For some reason, she sent a person for a 3D X-ray of the entire jaw for 600 lei without even explaining why she needed it, since the person addressed the problem of only one tooth and provided her with a ready-made X-ray of this tooth, plus in the direction (without saying this) she attributed another simple X-ray for 180 lei, it is not clear why at all Apparently, just like that, she didn't even look at him. He said on the phone that he could see her in two weeks, three weeks passed - it turned out she had simply forgotten about the patient. After the patient contacted her, she still set the day and time of the appointment. At the reception, which took about five minutes, she told what the person already knew, since he had been to another doctor before and just wanted to continue treatment with her. At the end of the appointment, the so-called doctor said that in general she was going on vacation soon and then she was busy for two months ahead and it turned out that it was just a paid consultation for 300 lei, which she also did not warn. As a result, the person just threw 1000 lei into the empty. She could have immediately informed that everything was busy for months ahead and not mess with her head, But no, she first called for a consultation to report it there for 300 lei.