Витамин D относится к жирорастворимым веществам, которое состоит из эргокальциферола и холекальциферола. По действию схож с гормонами. Влияет на концентрацию магния, кальция, фосфора в сыворотке крови
24.51 Br
Белок общий
Белок общий (Total protein, TP). Срок изготовления: 1 рабочий день (не включая день взятия биоматериала)
1.85 Br
Электролиты в сыворотке крови: калий, натрий, хлор
Today I visited this laboratory for the first time on Semashko Street. I was surprised by the courtesy and speed of the staff service. In the evening, I went to the website and signed up for tests at a convenient time for me. When I arrived at the laboratory, the receptionist met me and quickly arranged everything and also issued a discount. Less than 2 minutes later, I was invited to the office to take tests. Everything is fast, efficient, and painless. It's just great. Thank you so much for your work! If it were possible, I would put 10 stars instead of 5.
Very friendly staff, the receptionist did everything quickly and clearly, told
Nurse Olga is generally a super cool specialist (I didn't even feel that she entered the vein. As a person who does not really like these manipulations, I was delighted)
I was very pleased with the price ( almost 2 times cheaper than in another clinic counted )
And the results were ready after lunch)
After visiting such places, you no longer want to visit others. Everything is great: from the administrator, who greets you with a smile, to the specialists. The specialist was tactful and careful. I put a huge plus on the fact that I received the result even earlier than the stated deadline (within two days).