Это путешествие откроет для Вас неизведанную часть Страны Души, скрывающую немало сокровищ. Вы увидите Абхазию, словно затерянную во времени: города-призраки; заброшенные архитектурные шедевры, которые природа почти отвоевала у человека; водопады.
2700 ₽1 d
Новый Афон
Это место, где сплетаются богатая история, самобытная культура, южные традиции и христианское наследие глубокой древности; место, где нес свое слово и принял мученическую смерть один из апостолов Христа. Здесь же расположена Ново-Афонская пещера
900 ₽1 d
Каманы- святые места
Древние храмы Абхазии можно встретить во всех частях страны. Экскурсия в село Каманы из Сухума рассчитана на пол-дня. Организована экскурсию с гидом, глубоко знающим тонкости этой тематики. Купание в святом источнике в скромной одежде.
800 ₽1 d
Джиппинг: Озеро Рица-Гегский водопад-Молочный водопад
Для любителей активного отдыха, джиппинг к Гегскому водопаду
I am vacationing in Abkhazia for the 4th time in two years. This tour company was recommended by my friend from Sukhum. I traveled with different companies, but my heart now belongs to this particular company. Always cheerful drivers will pick you up from anywhere. No one will definitely be left with a bad mood. I went with the whole family at different times with Badri, Valera and Armen to the Khashupsin Canyon, Ritsa, Geghi Waterfall, Kodori Gorge. Happy as elephants, we will definitely use their services more than once. There is even enough time at all the sights to see enough, take pictures, socialize, laugh. 😄👍Driving skills are excellent. The prices for a whole day of employment and a lot of new emotions and memories are quite low. I recommend this company to everyone.
We visited an excursion to the Geghi Waterfall, the Ritsa, etc. – we received a lot of negative emotions, a feeling of insecurity and a desire to cry non-stop for 12 hours of the trip.
The most positive part of this event was the tasting of honey and wine!
The booklet indicated more than 10 places that will be visited during the trip, in fact, we received 15 minutes of a waterfall (the name of which was not disclosed to us), 20 minutes of a Ritz and 20 minutes of Alpine meadows. We saw other sights from the car window at high speed and we are not sure if we saw them, because they did not tell us anything (absolutely nothing!!!)
The cherry on the cake was Armen, the driver of the patriot we happened to drive: aggressive driving, harassment towards one of our friends which , in the very first minutes of the journey, refused all interaction. The situation was saved by the fact that we had a man and a family with a child with us, God only knows what would have happened without them! (we believe that they would not have returned safely). Even the driver's colleagues hinted to him about the need to be calmer
By the way, the car stalled a couple of times and had to make unplanned stops. These unscheduled stops included his conversations with friends, smoke breaks and drinking coffee…
If we had been warned about all the nuances of the trip, we would not have gone anywhere! But the granny consultant with the brochures didn't tell us anything, we had to get all the details out of her (and we are shy 4 girls). We do not recommend using the services of the Dilber Tour company! Complete disappointment
We used the services of a Dilber Tour when traveling to New Athos from Sukhum, rated 4 for the long wait for the car, but we were lucky with the guide Esma, a very pleasant girl, tells interesting, humorously, worked perfectly! I liked the tour, it was not tedious, there was time for everything! Thanks!