We bought a sausage, asked to cut it, the seller refused to pay, paid, the seller cut it right in the package, did not carefully drop it into a bag, looking as if she had done a favor.
A very large store. The product layout is a little unclear. The department of in-house production is something. The disadvantage is that there are catastrophically few cash registers. Usually a couple works. There are endless queues for them. Probably the best regional competitor of Euroopt
I have visited this store several times, you can buy everything you need, but the prices for some products are too high. But there are also products on promotions))) at a very reasonable price
See original
Anonymous review
November 15, 2021
I occasionally visit this store, but never paid attention to the purchase receipt, last night I ran into the store from work to buy, quickly shopped and ran away because I was late for the bus, at home I examined the receipt instead of a pickle I was punched by mushrooms, the price is of course very different.
A good store. There is a separate cash register for 5 or fewer items, there is an island for quick purchases and a cafeteria in the same place. Good service and assortment.
There is everything! A friendly team, it feels good, good GIRLS, the goods are carefully cleared, In a word, Well done. Happy New Year to all of you! Good luck, Good Health and Good customers!)))
The prices are sky-high, the staff does not know how to work with people, constant rudeness on the part of the cashier, the guy with glasses, where coffee is sold....It's just terrible. Teach him to talk to people. And by his appearance it is clear that he does not need this job and does not want to work, so then let him not spoil the mood of other people in the morning with his defective speech and crappy mood
A good supermarket, we always buy food here and not only! Fresh vegetables, fruits, greens
But most cashiers work sooooo slowly, waiting in line is ALWAYS a long time.
A very good modern shopping center and hyper on the site of the old market. On the one hand, they removed the romance of the 90s, on the other - they hid the creepy merchants behind a beautiful building. The hyper itself is not bad, there was definitely not enough in the center
There was a clothing market here in my childhood! The new one on the ground floor has a good selection of products. I visited a cafe on the second floor.
A large grocery store. Delicious pastries. Also on the 2nd floor of the Boulevard shopping center there are many shops for clothes, bags, shoes, children's toys, gifts, sports pit, etc.
As in any large chain stores, there is a complete mess with price tags. Apparently, this attack, as well as two working cash desks, despite the huge queues, will never be defeated by anyone. Overall, the store is not bad. There is almost everything that is necessary for a family. Convenient parking. Good baking. One of the few large and clean grocery stores in the city center. I recommend
A good store with a good selection of goods. Convenient location in the center opposite the railway and bus station. Prices are subjectively slightly higher than in other stores.
A vicious circle, the store has a wide range of products that deteriorate, because they are not bought because of the high price, and the price is high because a lot of products deteriorate because of the wide range.
Not bad, but often there is a mess on the shelves and the price tag needs to be searched. And queues at the ticket offices are collected, although you don't have to wait