Hello, this DNS store is the best in the Pavlodar region. Compared to other stores like technodome or Dream, DNS provides the same quality products, but with pleasant prices. As for the review written by Karina Karimova, I consider it unjustified. Dear Karina, the sellers don't have to look you in the mouth, the seller Daria is a very experienced and polite employee who will always help and prompt. In general, the sellers of this store are very polite, kind staff. Also, a HUGE advantage of the store is that any product is guaranteed for a year or more. I bought this mouse in this store today, it's great. I liked everything.
I did not understand the enthusiastic reviews of Daria's manager. Friendliness to customers is zero..The first one doesn't say hello. Although older people came to Her store to buy. I did everything as if with a favor (unpacking the box, fidgeting with my fingers on the screen - all in silence, without even accompanying a smile) It's very bad when you come in the mood to buy something, smile at people, but there is no Smile in return. Darya's expression was, let's say, a brick. We came to her specifically because of the reviews and on 'spit it out.
She absolutely did not explain anything on
the device, every answer to one or another question about the operation of the gadget had to be pulled out of it with ticks! She is both a manager and a cashier. Are there no bids? The company has no extra money: to pay people or what? Another shock is that DNS packages are paid. Ossody, you're a miserable bunch! And your employees are frozen! The management guys, by the way, were the same: sleepy as fish. They left with the Purchase, but the mood was spoiled!((