THERE IS ALWAYS A QUEUE, ESPECIALLY DURING RUSH HOUR AND IN THE EVENING, the wrong weight and do not remove the weight of the container from the sausage and kiwi in the basket. ONE cash register can work.Some are a solid minus, starting from the product and ending with the cashiers. The price differs from the price tag and the cash register, but not always. The meat was terrible, and sometimes it smelled like it was returned at the checkout. Vegetables rot regardless of the season. There is a choice of milk and meat for 4. The cashiers are rude, always with a dissatisfied look.the cash register is always dirty and is washed with a dirty rag from under the floor. They don't ask for a discount card.
Sellers are always unhappy about something. Only one ticket office is open during peak hours. The music is playing so loud, it's like you're at a disco! I complained to the seller, but he just grinned. The assortment is good, but the behavior of the sellers leaves much to be desired!