A good store for small wholesale and retail. There are many unique Russian brand products of very good quality. If you want to shop like in Russia, the best store in Gyumri.
Among the disadvantages, there are products that were obviously damaged during the opening of the boxes by the merchandiser. I would recommend that the Dobrotsen administrator monitor cases of damage to goods by the merchandiser and the loader. It looks like the employees are "messing around" while arranging the goods. I will attach a photo of the damaged one, probably during the careless opening of the box with a stationery knife, in the following reviews.
So I go in the rain, wind, puddles, I reach the threshold of the store and there 3-5 store employees say that we are closed... I say it's written on the door before 22:00 and now it's 21:40 and they say we close half an hour earlier to leave before 22:00... So write damn that before 21:30 why deceive customers about a year ago, they also came late at 22:00, but we let them in quickly, bought what we needed and left without turning around from the threshold.....