I like the dishes of this factory, a large selection, high-quality dishes, from classics to avant-garde, it seems there is not enough space, the feeling that not everything fits, a polite saleswoman. Unfortunately, there are not enough sets where everything is available (perhaps the most complete collection is Lavender). With parking, you need to look for a place near the shopping center, there is not much of it, along the road.
It's a good shop, I went specifically for mugs, bought a lot of things. Nice sellers, helped, prompted, found what I wanted. It's a pity that there aren't many such places left.
I bought 6 dessert plates. Ordinary ones. It would seem that it is simpler. But no, I tried to remove the labels from their bottoms - the problem. Just like Raikin: who sewed the buttons? They are also glued tightly. Thoroughly warmed up with a hair dryer, it seems to be half behind, but not quite. I tried to wipe off the remnants with alcohol - it didn't help, gasoline, acetone - it seemed to feel better.
Question to the manufacturer: how should you disrespect your customer, and that's putting it mildly, I would say more harshly - hate! There are Velcro stickers, which allows you to remove it without any problems. No, they chose the meanest and nastiest one. I don't think they bought these stickers out of a big mind. Marketing is at zero here!
It seems like a small thing, but the mood after that is kind of sweet.
And in the store there is a piece of paper hanging on your coupons - "buy Belarusian. After that, no way!"
I'm not sure if you will publish my review, but I still hope that you will get my message.