On the one hand, it is interesting that this dolmen was installed near the museum. They brought such many-ton slabs. The disadvantage is that while they were driving, it is clear that the slab was partially destroyed, and then covered with cement. Well, such a thing. In general, as far as I know, you can't do that with a dolmen. They must not be touched. It should stand where the ancient people installed it .
The dolmen was brought from the mountain village to the city center. It does not have unusual properties and energy, in my perception. Just a big rock with a hole in it)
A thin adult can crawl through the hole. It is not pleasant to be inside (there is something to compare with other dolmens).
Presumably the most obvious thing in the opinion of modern people is that these were burial sites. But there are also refuting opinions. The latter are closer to me.
There is an ethnographic museum next to the museum. I advise you to visit.
an interesting historical object of the secondary burial of the nobility with a descriptive explanatory plaque is located in the center of the historical part of the city