Have a nice day, dear matusi.104 sadochok is my child kazka, yaka bula 20 years ago, I now remember usmihnena and lagidna vihovatelka, yaka was kind.Thanks to the great wishes, I poured my baby into the cup.I got a shock!.Nekalifikovani,nestrimani,nezadovoleni vikhovateli.My son, coming to me with these new words, is a pig, a perplexity, my child wants to talk dirty.In the house, Ditina tried to intercede with her hands (I so understood that they beat her there).The nurse did not give me any rudimentary help, if the child rubbed her finger on the cross, I fed the nurse a little bit of a wound, the nurse lowered her shoulders with the words - I do not know!, dear mother, did you remember the move at that moment?Zaviduvach ditsadochka priemna lyudina,vona you zustrinez usmishkoyu, ala najal vona, there is nothing going on in the group pose.