This is a speech therapy group where children are completely given sounds. We have been going to the 4th group for almost 2 years. As a very demanding mother with big claims, I am very delighted with the kindergarten and with Elena Vladimirovna's speech therapist. Elena Vladimirovna is a great professional in her work... My child initially spoke 3-5 words, now his speech corresponds to 100 or more words (to be honest, I did not count). He's counting. knows letters, names all objects, etc. My friend, who was previously in our group and whose child had Asperger's syndrome, was very pleased with Elena Vladimirovna's work and after her classes and, of course, homework, her child would go to school 252 and study there without problems and he also read the best before school (according to her, this is the merit of Elena Vladimirovna - speech therapist 4 gr, 611 kindergarten) . According to her recommendations, I got into Elena Vladimirovna's group and I am very happy with this. Another special bow to the head of Kozhevnikova Tatyana Nikolaevna. she is in kindergarten like a mother, she will always listen, advise and help, and you never need to make an appointment with her in advance.... She is the best manager!!! The kindergarten is free, but charitable contributions are present. They are naturally necessary if something breaks, breaks. for repairs, etc. If one of the parents does not have the opportunity to hand over the money, then they are not required to do anything and this is a big plus. Displaced children, from the ATO family, large families and, unfortunately, from dysfunctional families (alcoholics, psycho-neurotics, etc.) usually fall into their category, and all this does not prevent the entire kindergarten from functioning perfectly. The most important thing is that our children need to be engaged around the clock. because they are special! And more than one academic will not help you with your child if you do not give him 1-3 hours of time at home to study. Good luck to all of you and your child will overcome everything!!!