I crossed the border at night. There was no queue. There are round-the-clock exchangers in front of the checkpoint. There are also cafes, you can have a snack and drink tea
Openly and without hesitation, border guards from the Uzbek side are trying to squeeze money from drivers. We got to the tinting, only the rear part of the car was tinted, as it should be. They said that there is a tax on tinting in Uzbekistan. They began to demand 75,000 soums. I just didn't have the money, and I was too shy to offer it in another currency. I went to rip off the film. Then, after leaving, I found out everything on purpose, since the age of 22, it is allowed to tint the rear of the car. There are no restrictions. As a result, I still had to give the money, because they said that at the entrance my car passed a sanitary inspection, which costs 25200 soums, and they agreed on 200 rubles. Naturally, no one gave any checks. And these are representatives of government agencies! It's a disgrace!
Plus, in addition to everything else, the whole salon was trampled by a service dog with dirty paws, because they said that they could not pass the border without this type of check...