Good camping, stay with a tent or rent a cabin. Sandy wide beach, the area is clean and well maintained. There is a beach shower and there is hot water, the toilets are clean, without toilet paper. There is a power supply on the territory. The only disadvantage is that even on the beach you can hear the noise of the road and at night it is quite difficult to fall asleep in a tent, as for the houses, they stand along the road and they will still shake from trucks passing 10 meters away.
The place is good, the only thing is that the beach itself is a little dirty, but the whole of Turkey is guilty of this. The room for three is 2500 lire, but the owner gave in for 2000, the most reasonable price
The houses are like on a campsite, but on the Mediterranean coast, with their own plot with palm trees (which means there is shade in summer), barbecue area, showers, freestanding toilets (as many as 7 pieces in a row). Near the remains of the castle, it is interesting to walk. But it's 50 m from the highway, so you can hear cars at night.
The houses themselves are clean, everything is new.
The hosts are very friendly.