Терапевтическое лечение кариеса и не кариозных поражений. Подготовка полости рта к протезированию. В нашей работе мы используем современные пломбировочные композиционные материалы ведущих фирм производителей: 3MESPE, Dentsply, GCcorp.).
1 Br
Отбеливание зубов
Профессиональная система отбеливания зубов Opalescence (USA) (Опалесценс) для профессионального и домашнего отбеливания зубов.
1 Br
Эндодонтия (терапия корневых каналов)
Эндодонтия (терапия корневых каналов)
1 Br
Эстетическая реставрация зубов
Эстетическая реставрация зубов позволит Вам восстановить естественную (или желаемую) форму зубов, их цвет и функциональные возможности.
1 Br
Дентальная рентгенодиагностика. Дентальные снимки
В нашей клинике имеется детальный рентген-аппарат Fona XDG с радивизиографом , который позволяет сделать прицельный снимок одного, двух зубов и моментально вывести изображение на экран компьютера.
1 Br
Несъёмное протезирование
Все виды несъемного протезирования
1 Br
Протезирование на имплантатах
Протезирование на имплантатах: съемные и несъемные варианты
1 Br
Съёмные протезирование
Съёмные протезирование
1 Br
Адгезивный протез
Адгезивный протез (восстановление зуба на армированной ленте)
1 Br
КЛКТ (3d, панорамный снимок) зубов
Благодаря дентальному компьютерному томографу Orthophos S 3D, установленному в нашей клинике, появилась возможность получать цифровое трёхмерное (3D) изображение зубочелюстной системы высокой точности и четкости
The staff is very pleasant, competent and courteous. The doctors are just great. They are very attentive to the patient's problems. Technologies do not stand still, they are constantly being improved. They work in a team. The only wish is the mode of operation. It coincides with the working hours of the majority of people, so it's hard to get to them.
My daughter and I treated Olga for the first time this year, we will observe the result, and we are happy with the process and attitude and very grateful that the baby had all her teeth done pretty quickly, taking into account her workload, since we urgently needed to prepare her mouth for braces. It can't help but be pleased with the installation of new equipment and now a panoramic picture, 2d 3d CT scan can be done at the clinic by a driver. Further success to you!
Hello! Nowadays, for some reason, it is more common to criticize, but they often forget to thank. In January of this year, I applied to a private dental clinic in Grodno in order to reduce tooth abrasion (I live in Grodno). I was offered to install two bridges (material: stamped crowns). Accordingly, I agreed, since I did not know much about this type of prosthetics myself, and I did not want to install cermets, for this it was necessary to remove the nerves of the teeth. Bottom line: I was very angry with the doctor who advised me to install them, as it was very uncomfortable to chew. There was constant discomfort in my mouth. In order to properly distribute the load between the teeth, it was necessary to restore 12 upper teeth, which I was not told anything about at this clinic. After visiting this clinic, I applied to several more dental offices in Grodno. The result was the same everywhere: replacement of bridges with new ones made of zirconium dioxide and restoration of 12 teeth (cost of 2 bridges: 4800 bel.rub (one tooth 800 rub.); cost of restoration approximately: 1800 bel.rub).
Quite by chance, I learned from a friend about the dentistry "Drive" in Novogrudok. I was very surprised by the cost of one zirconium dioxide crown: 450 bel.rub. In Grodno, as I indicated above: 800 bel.rub. I decided to visit this dentistry. After the first visit to this office, I realized that in the future I will only apply here. I have never seen such an attentive and caring dentist as Olga Brickman before. Olga answered all my questions, and believe me, I had a lot of them. During the conversation, she was always tactful and pleasant in communication (today this is very rare). It was this doctor who convinced me that it is not worth changing 2 bridges, but just need to correct the bite. It's just that today it's very difficult to believe that a specialist in a private clinic offers a treatment method that is less expensive for the client. It's nice when a dentist pays attention to details. I was surprised at how modern your equipment and advanced treatment methods are. Thank you very much for always following new techniques and achievements in the field of dentistry.
After visiting the clinic "Drive" I have only positive emotions.
I express my sincere gratitude to Olga Algirdasovna Brickman for your professional approach to treatment.