Салат зелёный, салат руккола, филе панко, майонез домашний, соус из зелени, сыр выдержанный, соль, перец, черри, масло оливковое
19 Br245 g
Борщ с томленой говядиной, грудинкой и копчёной сметаной
13 Br370 g
Бульон с куриной грудкой
11 Br310 g
Шницель Милано
25 Br235 g
Картофель фри с пармезаном
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами. С соусом майо-розмарин
A quiet place in a residential area near the Malinovka metro station. Inside there is an interesting interior with wishes on the wall. Polite and young staff. The food is delicious, the portions are large and the serving is interesting. Prices are above average.
It's so delicious... we ordered borscht, tartare, and cheesecakes. My admiration for this tartarus. I ate this dish in Lithuania as well, you have an unreal love. I also liked the serving of borscht. And the prices are so adequate, the staff is polite. The air conditioners work well. Thanks for everything) I'll have to come to you for tartar now.
I have been to this institution 3-4 times. Everything was always fine. But yesterday, when I visited him with a friend, I was a little disappointed. There are practically no hot ones, there are no desserts... Well, let's say. But I didn't like the pork steak with mushrooms. There were streaks of fat (I did not think that I could fry such a "steak" myself in a frying pan). Well, even the steak, the mushrooms were sooo salty! I really regretted not telling the waitress about it. Excessive indecision and love of mushrooms did not allow me to do this.