The staff is conflicted and rude ... 06/12/12 flies are crawling all over the product, especially in the sausage department.. seafood with a high ice content..
Prices are lower, but very crowded, the goods are also in boxes in the sales area on the aisles (it's scary to imagine how the goods are stored in the back room, what kind of unsanitary conditions there)
Our people cannot win, they are ready to stand in queues during a pandemic. And also terrible parking, cars that block everything for unloading. It's an inconvenient location for a store with such human traffic. But the prices are certainly low.
The prices are pleasant. They constantly solve various customer service issues (there were long queues - they added another cash register, etc.) cashiers work quickly. One small minus - if you get into rush hour, it's hard to walk around the store, there's not enough space, but I like everything
The stores from the "Two Geese" series differ favorably from other stores only in prices. And everything else: long standing in line at the checkout, eternal jostling because of the small retail space (sellers interfere with customers when they take out goods, and buyers with sellers), terrible display of goods, unsanitary conditions....... There are so many empty rooms with a normal area in the city...., for example, the empty buildings of the former Teremok store, etc. Because of the prices, people would find these shops everywhere.
The prices are good, the range is excellent. There are often queues at departments and ticket offices, but I do not consider this a problem. The problem is that always, especially the lower floor, is filled with boxes and crates of goods: you just have to squeeze through all this clutter ((((