Yesterday, 08/20/2024, for the 2nd time in 10 years, they came and broke the lock of the electricity metering board, thereby causing damage to me in the form of the cost of the lock. Moreover, they left the pike open for plowing with a broken lock, which led to the contents being flooded with precipitation and the door swinging in the wind, which could lead to damage to my property in the future and unhindered access to it by unauthorized persons. Legally, these actions are classified as damage to other people's property and hooliganism. From the experience of past interaction, I know that they will say again that we arrived and everything was open. But this time there is a video from a surveillance camera and I will not leave it to them like that. It is unacceptable to break someone else's property in order to climb on the metering device and replace the seal on the "access" button. Last time, it rained for a week while I was on a business trip. At least this time I'm leaving a day later than their arbitrariness. I hope the leadership of the Ministry of Energy reads the reviews and will take action against the employees, compensate me for the damage and apologize before my return from a business trip. Otherwise, I guarantee an application to the police department and judicial recovery of damages.
During a planned power outage in Fanirol, SMS alerts are not always sent to specific addresses. And if the message is sent, then an hour before the scheduled shutdown (from 9.30 to 16.00) - this is almost the entire working day. Why not in advance? Construction work is underway on the site, planned in advance, and employees have been hired. In fact, the working day turns out to be disrupted ...
Treat your work with more responsibility, dear employees of the Dzerzhinsky section of the RES.