A wonderful almshouse. A bunch of channels about nothing, in no quality There was one normal channel out of 100 channels 2 * 2 which was replaced with some peasant weakly clever jokes. The Internet is buggy, dumb and lives its own life. Tech support is rude and does not work round-the-clock. I'm sitting without the Internet and waiting for them to drink their coffee. Mother mother mother
There are few channels. Constant channel disconnections, some channels are duplicated. About the Internet... There are constant breaks, freezes, it can be difficult to play tanks. There was simply no way to connect to T1.
Well, to catch up ...
today 12.03.23 I wanted to watch the star wars on a movie hit... But as usual, the equipment is probably tired... The cable signal disappeared along with the Internet... I can't get through to technical support, a serious office... I don't recommend it.. The services are weather-dependent.
Connected premium 3. The Internet is terrible. Give people the normal speed that is prescribed in the contract. The staff is rude. After 2 months of use, I broke the contract and paid 50 rubles more.
GOOD COMPANY! We are always in touch and will help. The Internet is uninterrupted. They even helped fix problems in the TV, they reconfigured everything)
The Internet is excellent, there are no breaks in half a year of use, but I bought a series x and in the network settings NAT STRICT and plus DOUBLE NAT writes, prescribed Microsoft ports, DMZ, I did the backup of the IP device and nothing helped.MICROSOFT support wrote that my way out is to provide a STATIC IP service provider.I called JAM TV, they said they didn'T have such a service.WELL, WHAT IF ALL PROVIDERS HAVE MOGILEV, BUT YOU DON'T?
I think that such an excellent provider with good prices should expand the list of communication services
If it were possible to put a zero, then he would definitely be standing here. Not a campaign, but Sharazhkin's office, by God. Consoles, rewired a hundred times, break 3-4 times a year and they are changed to the same ones, and to wait for this very replacement, you need to stay at home for a whole day, because the employee declares that he will come in the MORNING, and then at 4 p.m., when you try to call him, it turns out that he will be at 9 p.m.) I'm sorry, but this is just a disgusting attitude towards customers, and it apparently corresponds to the level of this hole, which is called jam.tv
EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE, both TV and the Internet, a lot of interruptions, little choice of channels. I don't even want to use it, it's impossible to terminate the contract ahead of time, they make me pay for another month, they make up the contract on purpose, so read CAREFULLY!!!
The office is the bottom . There is no Internet , the TV is the same . I do not advise anyone to waste their nerves and money. The operators correspond to the service .