There is no road to the recreation area, it is 8 km rocky. The recreation area is in poor condition, the kitchen is for 3 people, the rooms are only clean, there is a toilet and shower inside, the Internet is malfunctioning, the only thing is nature! For the sake of peace, quiet and a waterfall located a kilometer from the zone, you can go!
"...How many words and hopes, how many songs and themes
The mountains wake us up and call us to stay ...". On the day of arrival, two kilometers from the campsite, we found ourselves in the epicenter of a natural cataclysm: rain and very thick fog, the road was not visible at all. The managers of the campsite did well, promptly organized a meeting and escorting our car to the place. A great place for outdoor activities, everyone can find a feasible route for themselves.A varied and delicious menu made up of national cuisine. Very friendly and helpful staff of the campsite. Strong and steady wifi signal, Ucell mobile internet also worked.All YouTube content is available on TV. There is probably one minus, the water pressure in the shower, but I think this is a technical and fixable issue.Thanks! P.S. we were lucky - we witnessed the flowering of Kaufman tulips firsthand
We were expecting the usual rest area. We drove and drove, but the path did not end. We climbed very high right up to the stone mountains with snow. And we were very surprised by such comfortable and warm rooms. It was very unexpected. You wouldn't even think that such a thing could happen in such places.
If you dream of solitude, then you are here. The recreation area is located between the mountains . The windows of the rooms overlook a beautiful single forest on the slopes of the mountains. Honestly, it's so quiet there that it rings in my ears. But the views are luxurious. It snowed in the morning and there was a feeling of a new year.
New rooms, very hot in the rooms and very clean. The bathroom toilet and the bed linen are all new.
There is also a shepherd dog Thor on the territory. She approaches everyone and accompanies him around the territory.That was great.
These views, gray mountains, fir trees, warm rooms and people working here made an indelible impression on us