If you want to stay with scars, pigmentation, please contact us. They will definitely help here.
In early 2021, she applied to the Eco Epil cosmetology salon. Electro-epilation procedures were performed. The intern did it.
After the procedures, I developed redness on my face, which subsequently turned into wounds, then into scars and pigmentation.
I pointed out the problem in the salon, but I was assured that everything would go without consequences, they gave recommendations, their observance did not help.
I turned to an independent specialist for advice, he confirmed that this was caused by an incorrect discharge of the "Eco Epil".
I have to buy expensive creams and ointments to restore and heal scars.
Eco Epil does not admit its guilt, says that I am to blame and refuses to return my money for poor-quality service, also does not contribute to the treatment of the consequences.