Level of training:master's, bachelor's, postgraduate education, specialist degree
Direction of college:education, art and culture, computer science and engineering, geodesy and cartography, environmental protection, law, social work and publishing, construction and architecture, advertising, design
Form of teaching:remote
Training areas:human resource management, informatics, architecture, applied mechanics, manufacturing machinery and equipment, electrical power engineering, materials science and technology of new materials, instrumentation, transport, electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrotechnics, textile and light industry technology, electronic design and technology, thermal engineering, electronics and microelectronics, mining, statistics, commerce, economics, management, jurisprudence, sociology, psychology, political science, history, journalism, lnguistics, philology, cultural studies, mathematics, geography, philosophy, air and space operations technology, veterinary science, environmental engineering, forestry management, mechanics, religious studies, chemistry, physical education, pedagogy, ecology, applied mathematics, physics, biology, construction, automation and control, radio engineering, metrology, standardization and certification, food technology