Электромеханическая швейная машинка Janome 1522 идеально подходит для дома и штучного швейного производства. Увеличенная рабочая платформа, нитеобрезатель, нитевдеватель, регулятор ширины зигзага и мотор мощностью в 60 ватт удовлетворят запросы ка...
The best place in the city, where there is a large selection of sewing machines and competent staff. The guys helped me choose a typewriter, and now I sew with great pleasure.
Great guys. I bought a car for Jome, without complaints, and even made a small gift. I applied six months later with a request, the machine was checked, explained and shown. Without any payment, which is pleasant and important nowadays. Thank them very much.