Новинка! Авиатур в Сочи и Абхазию на Новый год!
Насыщенная экскурсионная программа, хороший отель, умопомрачительные впечатления!
3135 Br1 pcs.
Новый год в Петербурге на самолете!
Лучшее предложение для вашего Новогоднего праздника!
Стоимость указана с перелетом, 4 ночи в центре города в гостинице Москва 4* с завтраками, экскурсионное обслуживание со входными билетами в Эрмитаж!
1535 Br1 pcs.
В Беловежскую Пущу к Деду Морозу на поезде
Тур на поезде в Беловежскую пущу (утренний и ночной выезды)
Thank you very much to Epiphora for a wonderful trip to St. Petersburg by train, I liked everything! Special thanks to Natalia for the excellent organization and clarity in planning, the transfer also worked perfectly. We also want to thank Eugene for his excellent work, responsiveness and great help in working with children. Everyone got an unforgettable experience and a lot of positive emotions! School 219
I want to express my gratitude for the cooperation to Natalia (manager for St. Petersburg) we have been choosing for 2 years and hooray!!! Everything is fine! Your connection with Russian travel agencies is well established) we are satisfied. We will recommend Epiphora
I have been vacationing with this agency for many years. I am very pleased. Pleasant, competent travel agents. We are always happy to help. And Director Elena is above all praise!
Good luck and prosperity to this agency!!!!