You have to stand at the self-service checkout for 5 minutes until someone comes up to you and pokes your barcode, you can't buy cigarettes and alcohol without it, the point of these cash registers is if you stand for 5 minutes.....
Great store, the products are normal. But sometimes the service is not very good. Employees cannot agree with each other in any way, some labels are glued anywhere, at the checkout, the second swear at them and cannot tear off and punch the labels. There is not a very harmonious work going on in the general staff
We bought a salted fish with dill, came home where delicious hot potatoes were waiting and the fish turned out to be very sour , as if poured with vinegar, in general, as if it was overdue, although the storage dates are normal.
The saleswoman stood with such a face , as if someone had come to her house 🙄
Now there are discounts in all products. the stores are almost identical. Therefore, it makes no sense to run around and look for a penny cheaper. Previously, it was the only euroopt in the area, now a large Zarco super market has been opened and many have already stopped going to this store, because they are not on their way home.
The store is normal, they have one problem, I have repeatedly bought goods, one amount according to the price tags, but in fact quite another, although you realize this already when you leave the store, and I do not take the receipt. The question is why there is no such game in Eureka, Rechitsky ave. 65.
The average euroopt is not a good choice, but there are 2 more nearby within walking the first stage, it is food for milking animals and fish.
The store itself is not bad, the trading floor is convenient. You can buy everything you need. But there is one disadvantage, both in this and in other euroopts, these are fruits and vegetables. I.e. tomatoes are always glass, peaches, nectarines and apricots are unripe. I only buy oranges, lemons, etc. in the winter season.
There are not enough cashiers.or be lazy to work.especially during rush hour.. you have to yell at the whole store and wait for a substitute in response, they also bark ((I don't like him