The store itself is comfortable, there is a sufficient assortment of goods. But there are many unscrupulous sellers. It is common to find products after reassessment that are marked with one price tag, and a completely different price, higher than the specified one, breaks through in the receipt at the checkout. The seller from the meat department refused to recalculate the difference and refund the money. Moreover, the next time, two days later, the same product remained on the counter and again with the same price tag. When buying at the checkout, when I saw an inflated price in the receipt, I refused to buy this product. It's a complete disgrace, and the sellers are acting irresponsibly.
The prices are higher than in the city in the same store.
Cashiers write off "discounts" from discount cards at their discretion, so we stopped using them.
A great store that is in its place (or rather, where it is needed). Excellent selection of products.
Of the cons: the connection inside works poorly (I'm talking about MTS), and the Internet does not work at all, so it is impossible to use the e+ application.
Overall, I really liked this store.