They change the oil. That's all. The fuel tank is not changed. And other jobs too. Is it strange, the qualification does not allow it, or is the oil more profitable? That is, they will help you here, but not in all maintenance issues
The oil change was not done carefully, oil was spilled on the engine body. After driving for several blocks, I had to return through traffic jams, as the spilled oil began to evaporate from under the hood, at some point it seemed that something was burning under it. After that, the screw-on of the oil filter was checked.
After a while, it turned out that this master had loosely screwed on the fastening of the pallet lid. When they came back to them and made a claim, they said that they were not to blame. It was me who drove around and unscrewed the screw.
BOTTOM LINE: 1. Expensive.
2. The craftsmen do not screw up the screws, spill oil and do not admit their mistakes.
3. I will never stop by again and will not recommend their services to others.
4. But I wanted to change their oils, filters and special fluids on other units of my vehicle.
I went to the website on Friday, I wanted to make an appointment for an oil change. A message came out with a bonus offer of 2000 tenge. I passed the test, at the end of which I indicated that I would arrive for an oil change at the fuel pump No. 5 at 10 o'clock. I arrived a little earlier, the door is closed. This is understandable, the working day starts at 10. At the beginning of the eleventh hour, an employee came. I told him that I had signed up on the website for 10 o'clock. He replied that he did not know about any recording and the queue was alive. Hence the question, why was I asked at what time and where will I arrive?
I change the oil there 2 times a year, the guys are good, the masters are talkative, the loyalty program is nice, for a replacement, everything is fine. I asked you to leave a review on Google)))