An excellent store, there is a choice of spinning fishing, the product is of high quality, prices are reasonable, the information on the website corresponds to the availability, the parking lot near the store is large, the sellers are polite.
The product is expensive. Store employees impose expensive goods with the words "you don't understand anything about fishing, take it more expensive, it's definitely better!"
A great store. Prices are at an average level. The store has good specialists who will help and prompt you in choosing accessories and everything else. Keep it up guys. The parking lot is really always full.
Cool Flagship)
I like to go there even when I don't need anything))
The staff is friendly and very knowledgeable about fishing)
They will not only help you choose the product, but also advise you on the fishing itself)
I recommend it!
A wonderful store, excellent sellers who will really prompt, advise and offer a good option for your favorite hobby. Well, it is really difficult to choose, as the assortment impresses with its diversity and affordability for residents of our country!