Нежный чизкейк с кофе и виски, терпкий с дубовыми нотками, в качестве украшения молочный шоколад "кофейное зёрнышко"
9 Br1 pcs.
Апельсиновый чизкей
Классический чизкей на шоколадной основе с добавлением апельсиновой цедры и покрытый апельсиновым курдом
9 Br1 pcs.
Аналог киевского брауни, поэтому не похож на привычный десерт, который есть на белорусских витринах. Печенье на основе горького шоколада с орехами: арахис, фундук и грецкий. Крем из маскарпоне, в центре соленная карамель
9 Br1 pcs.
Десерт с мякотью кокоса на песочной, шоколадной основе с прослойкой "Чизкейк", Покрыт ганашем из молочного шоколада
Cozy interior, pleasant music, friendly staff. I really like omelet with fish, it's delicious and satisfying. The coffee is good too. The prices were pleasantly surprised by their availability.
I've had breakfast several times already.
The only drawback is that the glasses with water smell very unpleasant, whether the water is like that, or what, it is unclear. But I'm not surprised anymore, because it's not the first time I've come across this. Apparently we have such water in the city.
We were in Minsk, we came to a cafe to take shelter from the rain. the atmosphere is pleasant. We ordered cappuccino, cocoa, standard cheesecake and bounty cheesecake. as a result:
- cappuccino is bland, as if you just drank some water with a taste of chocolate
- it is impossible to drink cocoa, it tastes bitter, unpleasant
+ standard cheesecake, very tasty. the only plus of the place!
- we still haven't tried the bounty cheesecake, after 20 minutes of waiting, they didn't bring it to us at all, although the waiters passed by us several times.
+ we poured free water =)
1 star for cheesecake
A nice, peaceful place where you can have a snack and have a cup of coffee.
Everything is very atmospheric here.
+you can buy grain here
It's worth running in here