How can you take a general blood test from a vein in a four-year-old child if the child has invisible veins and the doctor could not get into the vein and picked out the whole vein and the analysis did not take the child's blood
How will they grow into this polyclenic
If doctors are not experienced in taking blood from children, recruit experienced doctors.
We've been to the dentist! Shortly.It has only a set of letters...we went several dozen times..the quality of the bridges leaves much to be desired!..they can't work!..the products break down after a couple of weeks.
Huge queues !!!Absolutely everything is not thought out, little children are in the same queue with adult patients!While you're getting vaccinated, you can get infected in this queue!These coupons are absolutely not convenient!Divide the polyclinics as they used to be into children's and adult!Also, on the days of vaccination, other children were not accepted, who, for example, came for help and it was very convenient and fast!Children suffer and parents suffer too!