The pharmacy is good, the prices are standard, something sometimes slips cheaper. The staff is pleasant to communicate, they do not offer to buy a hematogen for change :)
One problem is the stairs, I almost got killed in the winter. (Strange marketing, and bandages for the promotion didn't seem to be sold in winter.) :)
I'm too lazy to remember the work schedule, so a large "open" / "closed" sign is sorely lacking (also in different colors), so that it would be visible from the traffic light.
The pharmacy is good, the schedule needs to be changed, how does it not work on weekends??? In the regional center nowadays it is somehow quite the old-fashioned way
The pharmacy is open until 19, if none of the specialists is ill. Recently, cheap masks for 14 kopecks were on sale. There are no other pharmacies in the area anymore. On Lenin Street, the pharmacy is open around the clock. I needed valerian and I went to get her in a taxi.