The market is cool, it doesn't differ in variety, but there is everything you need and prices are the same as 3 years ago. You can bargain, but look carefully at the scales if you are principled)
I recommend to be in Abkhazia and buy food and all souvenirs at the market, the prices are reasonable and the products are all fresh, I recommend buying spices from Sergei at the market, Sergei has a badge on his chest, so you will not make mistakes
Everything is fine, everything is there, everything is delicious, fresh, not expensive. You can order, if not available, then do not hesitate to bargain-this is the market.
The market is like under socialism with capitalist prices) You can bargain, cigarettes can be bought in bulk cheaper, mainly household goods, specialized tools and other rare goods can not be bought here, it is better to think about it before going abroad. All payments are practically by transfer or cash, there are very few terminals
A large grocery market. There is a square with shops nearby. Spice sellers will help you get a decent set, they can pick up the right mix of different spices for all occasions themselves. Well, of course you can dial suvinyras.
I was vacationing in Gagra! I visited the local market! There is mutton, pork, veal meat to choose from! I was interested in real chacha, not Turkish alcohol, which is very common! By trial and sniffing, I bought 1.5 liters from a woman from the Ritz.. There are a lot of local goods, you can't tell about everything! It is better to visit it yourself! I bought local nuts and honey as gifts!
I remember the famous movie "Avatar"!
Everyone in this forest (a bad person) He's trying to devour you!!
And Local traffic cops, and sellers, and even dogs who do not take their hands off, but steal from the table!!)))
Fun and entertaining!!
A very small market. Prices are normal, only when leaving the market there is a tent at home, where a woman tries to bend prices 2 times higher than the market. Keep in mind.
To be honest, I expected more from the market. Vegetables and fruits are not much cheaper than Russian ones, not much tastier. Spices and nuts can be bought. But that's how long they've been lying there... the market is in a little pleasant place, dirty.
A complete disappointment...fake wine from suragat, juice from dyes that children are offered to buy...apart from tea and spices, there is nothing to buy, do not waste time and money
Prices are like in the Urals for fruits, they bought a watermelon, it's not very good. The canteen on novaya 10 is good, thanks to them, the canteen on the corner of novaya street is rubbish
June 2022. A large selection of homemade wine, etc. Before buying, try and look for your taste.. The price is 250-300 rubles for 1.5 liters. By the sea, the same wine is 400-500 rubles.
Nuts are still possible.
Prices for Vegetables and fruits are like in Adler and even more expensive. Bargain
The market is good. What is not there! And the spices there are gorgeous! It's not the first time I've taken it. And I went to this market just for them. And so, of course, the prices are not small. But you can bargain....And of course, look into both eyes 😉
A market where you can find all the necessary spices and delicacies of the Abkhazian cuisine and all this at reasonable prices and incredible abundance
You can buy everything made at home, meat, sausages, cheeses.fruits are more expensive than in Russia, cigarettes are cheaper locally.lots of pastries, a variety of cakes and is not accepted to bargain in the market.lots of tea and spices.
I recommend a visit, very colorful. I have not seen a price tag more expensive than 1500 rubles) But it is not realistic to find real wine, it has not been possible to visit this place for 10 years)
My favorite market is where you can buy everything. The most important thing is to keep your ears open because local sellers are not lazy to short-count those who are used to shopping in supermarkets.
A stupid market. Yes, everything is there, the price tag is lower on Saturday. But no organization. There is no place to park the car. Everything is ridiculous. There is no clarity.
The Abkhazians have gone completely crazy! Prices are cheaper in Adler. And yet, I like their buffalo cheese, having lived in Abkhazia for 3 months, I have seen only 2 buffaloes, from where they have so much cheese, I do not understand))))))
But I did not expect a trick, I took the most expensive nuts And they are almost all gone. .. It was always a shame about the quality, but this time.... Everything is as usual, but the quality of the product has dropped.... I didn 't expect
it . Hello from Nalchik!
Don't buy anything there!There are no home-made products there, there are only dealers who deliver goods bought in Russian stores.Alcohol can be poisoned at all!
A local, small market with everything in the world) And clothes, and spices, and nuts, and honey-jam, and household goods, and plastic, and baby, etc. I really like it) You need to bargain👍