Регулярные тренировки сопряжены с постоянной физической подготовкой, которая сравнима по сложности со спортивными тренировками, но при этом более увлекательна и интересна для детей.
72 Br
Театр Танца 3-5 лет
Занятия танцами развивают координацию и «мышечную память», уходит детская неуклюжесть. Дети, постоянно занимающиеся танцами, не страдают искривлением позвоночника, имеют пропорционально развитую мышечную систему, красивую походку и правильную осанку
For 7 years now (since 1st grade) my daughter is engaged in TSK FIESTA and during this time I have formed a stable opinion. My daughter enjoys attending classes and does not think to stop, she wants to connect her future with dancing. The organization in the club is at the highest level, everything is very well organized.
The most important thing in sports is the coach, and in FIESTA, the coaches are real professionals. We would like to express our great gratitude to our favorite coaches: Vadim Andreevich Zhdanovich and Ales Nikolaevna. They are professionals in their field, they easily find a common language with both younger children and teenagers, and they are an authority for children. We are very glad that we are studying at this club)