Свежайшая форель по суперцене в гастромаркете Fish&Food!
Охлажденная форель 3-4 кг — 44.90 руб/кг 54.90 руб
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February 24, 08:38
🔥Всего за 7.30р./100г.
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February 6, 09:22
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February 5, 13:46
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Updated: February 25
Креветки тигровые
24 Br120 g
Лосось филе
Идеальный выбор для любителей рыбы, которые предпочитают богатый и яркий вкус, а так же стремятся получить все питательные вещества. Идеально подходит для обеда или ужина, сочетается с легкими соусами или свежими салатами
35 Br160 g
Сибас филе
30 Br120 g
Куриный суп с лапшой
Популярное блюдо, которое готовят на основе куриного бульона с добавлением лапши
Картофель, обжаренный до золотистой корочки, хрустящий снаружи и мягкий внутри. Является популярным гарниром или закуской, которая отлично сочетается с различными соусами
The deli and the restaurant deserve different stars, but overall excellent. The store's assortment is specific: for self-cooking original or exquisite dishes, there are rare ingredients at prices below average. Everything is presented conveniently, there are price tags. Packing is both small and kilogram - both for a Ferret and for individuals.
The restaurant with seafood and fish, meat and poultry, green snack salads for every taste is great. The staff is interested, they own the assortment. The restaurant's cuisine is unexpectedly mega-high-quality, decent, plentiful, glutamate-free - and beautiful, and tasty, and easy. The tables along the glass display case are located quite closely, most of the time occupied by changing visitors. The service is exemplary, but there are also students (I welcome this). The team is a restaurant, the cuisine is international, which also attracts attention. The prices are average. There is almost no parking (along the curb on Mayakovsky, including in violation of traffic rules).
I recommend. You definitely won't regret it.
As a restaurant, it's well-served, delicious, portions of normal size, good service in good dishes. The service and cooking speed are normal. I can safely recommend it for lunch. The disadvantage is the lack of a wardrobe, combined with the passage to the tables through the store and the open kitchen - it leaves the impression of some kind of KFC at maximum. WiFi is available, but you need to ask the waiter for a connection. And the choice of drinks is kind of strange, it's worth working on the map.